Call for Participants: Empowering Youth Through Soft and Entrepreneurial SkillsAre you the president/representative of a non-profit association based in Luxembourg that serves a migrant community? Are you interested...
Erasmus Plus project: Empowering Youth through Soft and Entrepreneurial Skills Join us in our #ErasmusPlus project aimed at enhancing the employability of 20 young migrant women! Our Goals: * Improve soft and...
Les femmes de l'Europe à Luxembourg / The women of Europe in Luxembourg/FR //EN En marge de la journée internationale de la femme,, le Centre Europe Direct de Rome (Italy), Europa Excelsior asbl...
Le multilinguisme en politique au Luxembourg et en EuropeChers amis, Tout d'abord, bonne et heureuse année à vous et vos proches! Puis, nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que cette année...
Erasmus+ Project: Wellbeing at schoolIn the framework of their Erasmus+ partnership, and Colegiul Național "Spiru Haret" - Tecuci cordially invite you to join...