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Tips to practice your oral comprehension & prepare for the Sproochtest - part 1
This article is for those of you who wish to practice your oral comprehension and who might be intensively preparing for the...

Learning Luxembourgish: Raluca's way
Discover our interview with Raluca CARANFIL, who is using the mobile app "365 Days Luxembourgish" to learn Luxembourgish. Introduce...

Sticky notes to learn Luxembourgish
EN/ FR EN To mark its 15th anniversary, the language school has published a new learning material for Luxembourgish, “Sticky...

Nos clients à l'honneur: Sorin Zaharia fête ses 15 ans d’existence et met à l’honneur ses clients. Rencontrez aujourd'hui Sorin Zaharia, qui apprend le...
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