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Promotion for the National Day

learn Luxembourgish

100 expressions in Luxembourgish - 9,99 eur

Wie sinn ech? Who am I? - 9,99 eur

Déi bescht Lëtzebuerger Spréch - 9,99 eur

Post-it in Luxembourgish - 3,99 eur

365 days to learn Luxembourgish - 17,55 eur

Meng éischt 100 Wierder - 22,48 eur

Eis fantastesch Rees op der Äerd. Ee Buch iwwert Frëndlechkeet, Frëndschaft a Respekt - 12,95 eur

Sticky notes in Luxembourgish (post-its) - 3,99 eur

Promotion for the National Day

Orders of min. 25 eur before the 23rd June will receive as gift one pack of post-its in Luxembourgish for your house/office

Order by email:

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